
The Distressed Debt Investors Club

A few years ago, a number of distressed debt professionals, myself included, sat down and sketched out an idea of a community of investors dedicated to sharing ideas and helping each other navigate the sometimes mine-filled path of the distressed debt world.

I am pleased to announce: That community is ready to launch. After a number of months of planning, tweaking, and beta testing (thank you beta testers!), we are ready to launch the site.

The Distressed Debt Investors Club will be THE community of top investors and analysts in the distressed debt and high yield investing fields. As stated previously, members are selected by the strength of their application and the thought process going into the investment idea. Only 250 members will be admitted to the club.

Over the next week or so, we will take applications and then admit all those accepted to the site at the same time. This will allow each member to see other admitted applicant's ideas and thus begin the process of idea generation and sharing.

For those looking for more information, here is the FAQ

We sincerely hope you apply. If you have questions, feel free to shoot me an email at hunter[at]distressed-debt-investing[dot]com.


  1. Anonymous11/06/2009

    Are you going to post the ideas on a time delay like VIC does? Even if they were 6 months old I think they would be great so that others can learn how to do distressed investing.

  2. Yes - but guests will not be approved until the beginning of the year as their delay extends past them. If you are interested immediately, I suggest you apply as a member. Definitely cannot hurt.
