
Distressed Weekly Links of Interest: Slow Week Edition

The July 4th week is always a slow one in the credit markets. Few primary deals are brought to the market and not too much happens in the bankruptcy courts. For those looking to catch on things you may have missed during the week, here is Distressed Debt Investing's weekly links of interest:

Roddy Boyd explores the perplexing situation at CMEDY [The Financial Investigator]

Solus sues Perry Capital over a trade in Madoff claims [NY Superior Court System]

July 2012 Hedge Fund Events [Hedge Fund Law Blog]

Commentary on the SYMS bankruptcy [Ragnar is a Pirate]

Cap on management comp plans under 502(b)(7) in Verasun [Delaware Business Bankruptcy Report]

Interesting situation in a public LBO at Fortune Industries [Oddball Stocks]

Analysis on Southern Community Financial Preferreds [Enterprising Investor]

Analysis on the final chapter in Arctic Glacier [Seeking Alpha]

**Editor Note: I have also written up Arctic Glacier on the Distressed Debt Investors Club, coming up with similar numbers to the Seeking Alpha article. It is my largest position. I encourage all those interested in the DDIC to reach out to me for question. Our members consist of buy side and sell side analysts from major hedge funds and asset managers as well as analysts across Wall Street and the quality and number of ideas grows every day. We would love to add more of the best in bankruptcy investing. Hope to see you there.


  1. Anonymous7/09/2012

    Would you mind posting your analysis on Arctic Glacier on this website? Thanks

  2. Anonymous7/09/2012

    Yes, I can't find your writeup on Distressed Debt Investors Club.

    I'd appreciate if you could send it to me.


  3. Anonymous7/09/2012

    Also, could you comment on what happened on June 27th that made Arctic Glacier rally 350%?
