
A lot going on at Reorg

It has been an amazing 2018. For those that haven't heard:

I have never been more excited about all the amazing stuff going on at the company. From designing and deploying a new website, launching new verticals and existing products in more geographies and bringing on a world-class partner to help take us to the next level, I am ecstatic about where Reorg is headed and super proud of what we have accomplished in a little over 5 years.

With that said, the Reorg team makes it a priority to keep subscribers as well as our entire extended audience informed about what is going on at the company and its offerings (we plan on launching 3 new products in the next 6 months). We regularly release new products and features, produce insightful content such as whitepapers, infographics, podcasts and webinars. 

Please sign up to hear directly from us when we have updates and announcements to share: Reorg Marketing Sign Up

Any questions, feel free to reach out to me. And as always, thank you for the continued support!

-Kent & the Reorg Team