
The CoVax Files

Hey everyone - First off, Happy New Year! 2020 was a wild ride and 2021 is off to a wilder start. Here's to some normalcy in the coming months... 

Late last year I found myself wanting more information on the development and run-up the the COVID vaccines. I was not getting enough information from the NYT, WSJ, Washington Post, sell side reports, etc. Further, like most investors or business leaders I do not find medical journals accessible. 

In my opinion the COVID vaccine and potential therapeutics is the only way out of this mess we find ourselves. 

Given that huge gap of information I worked with an amazing journalist, Surani Fernando, to produce a podcast on the vaccine, its development, clinical trials, distribution, manufacturing, how it will deal with mutations and variants, etc. We will explore in future episodes logistic issues, continuing research in the field, the Biden administration's plan of 100 million in 100 days, etc. 

If you want more information on the COVD vaccine, please give our podcast, The Covax Files, a listen.
Please let me know any feedback you - excited for each of you to learn more. 
