
4th Annual Global Distressed Debt Investing Summit

Over the past few years, Distressed Debt Investing has attended iGlobal's Forum Global Distressed Debt Investing Summit here in New York City. Each year the conference highlights issues highly topical to the distressed debt community while featuring a number of fantastic speakers. This year there will be speakers from the likes of Fortress, Highland, Marblegate, Marathon, Moab, Versa, WL Ross, Bowery, Watershed, and Halycon just to name a few.

Like last year, the agenda also highlights the issues most pertinent to credit investors today. Things like the opportunity for distressed debt overseas, what industries look most interesting in the tight spread environment of today, and the macro outlook and their impact on our market.

For more information, you can find the conference website here: 4th Global Distressed Debt Investing Summit. Hope to see you there!



hunter [at] distressed-debt-investing [dot] com

About Me

I have spent the majority of my career as a value investor. For the past 8 years, I have worked on the buy side as a distressed debt and high yield investor.